我已經與主同死,也已經與主同活,我現在為主而活 (羅馬書6:3-13)。
有關洗禮的教導,請參考主日信息"洗禮的真義 (上)/洗禮的真義 (下)" 。
1. 報名:填寫申請表格 (網上填寫申請表 或者在教会招待桌上索取)
2. 上課:完成洗禮課程 (有關上課日期,請注意教會主日報告,或與教牧同工聯繫)
3. 面談:與教會領袖約見 (一位教牧同工,一位教會同工)
4. 見證:分享信主的經歷 (錄製短片)
Baptism is a very important ceremony for a person to publicly proclaim faith in Jesus Christ:
I have died and risen with Christ, now I live for Christ (Romans 6:3-13).
Please refer to the Sunday messages on "The True Meaning of Baptism I " & "The True Meaning of Baptism II " for the teachings on baptism.
We usually offer two opportunities for baptism (summer & winter). Please check with us for exact dates.
Process for baptism:
1. Submit application ( Submit Online application)
2. Complete classes (dates to be announced or contact pastoral staff for details)
3. Complete interview (with a pastoral staff and a church leader)
4. Share testimony (record your faith story in a short video)